A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ For inspiration in the new year: We talked with a bunch of people about stuff they created over the past year.
+ This past December wasn't like December.
+ Deanna pushed back against the cold with rice chicken soup from Chongtong Thai.
+ A Neighbor asked about a good computer service shop for getting a machine cleaned of malware.
+ A versions of possible futures for the South End as part of the Rezone Albany project.
+ Maureen asked about finding a bridal shower venue that would say "Albany" in some way.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: bests of 2015, being present, being alone, food and family, the Hangover Half Marathon, the small world, the Westinghouses, Justin's, Innovo, Dutch Pot, bad chain cheeseburgers, pizza, coupons, burrowing, and Christmas tree tossing.
+ We got a look at the Steuben Street Market, a new grocery store in downtown Albany.
+ We're giving away tickets to the Wine and Dine for the Arts grand gala by asking: What is your 2016 resolution for the Capital Region? (There have been some really good answers.)
+ There's a new plan for a new Penn Station (the destination of so many trips from Albany-Rensselaer).
+ These almost-200-year-old maps of Albany, Troy, and Hudson are great.
+ Looking for a new weekend day trip? How about Dia:Beacon.
+ And a throne invented in Albany.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?