A quick recap of the week

Here are some highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ Jess told us about an interesting company started by two recent RPI grads.
+ We checked out what NY State is selling on eBay.
+ People said they had trouble getting cabs to show up as promised.
+ We watched the Ashley Dupre (Spitzer's "Kristen") interview so you didn't have to.
+ Amy had some advice about how to score a deal at an estate sale.
+ The Megabus is coming to the Capital Region -- with (a few) $1 fares to NYC.
+ We looked through some of the local Donors Choose projects.
+ There's a cool photography exhibition opening in Hudson.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: bad medicine, twits, budgets, grocery stores, sweet potatoes and Charlie Rose.
If you'd just like the whole week unfiltered, check our listing of the last seven days of AOA.
Thanks to everyone who sent along ideas, corrections and comments this week -- especially Matthew for the tip about Megabus.
screengrab of Ashley Dupre: ABC | photo of Eben Bayer: Ecovative Design LLC | photo of Megabus: Flickr user Andrew Ciscel
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?