Stuff to do this weekend

cider donut

Mmmmm. Donut...

Ahhh, October. Sweaters, leaves, apples, cider...cider donuts (mmm...donuts).

Yeah, this is pretty much our favorite time of year to live in the Capital Region. There's all kinds of cool stuff to do, eat and look at in the fall. Here are a few of our picks for this weekend. As always, let us know what we missed.

And have a great weekend!

1st Friday
1st Friday always kind of sneaks up on us. But it's here again. Shops and galleries are open late all over A-Town. Here's the schedule.

After 1st Friday you can head over to the Albany Elks Lodge for the Capital Swing Dance. Dance from 8:30- 11:30 for $15. There's a free lesson at 7:30.

They Might Be Giants
The Johns are back at The Egg this weekend. They're doing a "grown-up show" tonight ($22) and a kids show on Saturday at 1:00 ($22 for adults, $14 for kids). Wonder if they'll sing the unofficial anthem of The Egg.

EMPAC has all kinds of stuff going on this weekend. On Saturday night hey're premiering a series of dance movies they commissioned. Also Saturday Swedish pianist Per Tengstrand will give a recital and talk about the technological breakthroughs that gave rise to Beethoven's piano sonatas. While you're there, check out Mads Lynnerup's "Take a Day for Yourself" exhibition. His art, based on following folks from Troy and RPI on their days off, will be displayed at EMPAC through the end of November.

Taste of Madison
Madison Avenue is having a block party. And you're invited. $10 gets you a "tasting ticket" to try foods from Madison Avenue restaurants. There will be food, music and kids stuff. The Capital Region Waiters race (servers from local restaurants racing with trays of food)starts at 2.

Ice Skating
HVCC is kicking off the ice skating season with a free day of skating at their indoor rink on Saturday.

Both the Albany and Schenectady curling clubs are having open houses this weekend. The Albany club is open this Sunday from 1-4pm. The Schenectady club is open tonight (7-9pm), Saturday (12-4pm) and Sunday (12-4pm). Both are free.

Whip it
The roller derby movie Whip It opens in theaters around the Capital Region this weekend. The Hellions of Troy will be at The Spectrum on Saturday night spreading some kick-ass good will and handing out goodies and recruitment info.

Ghost Busters
This one is a little pricey... but if it's your thing, maybe not. On Saturday there's a lecture at the Shaker Heritage Society on forensic photography and paranormal research. Ann De Marco will talk about what she calls "the physics of a haunting." It's $45 but you should also come away with some tips on forensic photography.

Apple Picking
It's pick your own apple season. Here are a few places to pick your own. Don't forget to pick up some cider and cider donuts.

Stimulate the economy
In case you don't have them yet, here are five fall essentials for men and women.

Take a walk
Sunday, at least, should be clear and sunny. Find someone you like and take a nice long autumn walk. Here are some of our favorites.


The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Albany is having their annual fall rummage sale this weekend. I believe it's 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. today and tomorrow. I stopped by this morning and found a lot of great men's jackets similar to the ones Kaitlin mentioned in her men's fashion piece this week.

MeatFest. Click the JVG above for details....or here.

The 2nd weekend of Confetti Stage 5th Annual Short Play Festival started last night and continues through Saturday.

8PM @ Albany Masonic Hall (57 Corning Place - behind city hall)

Come see:

*THE LICENSE by Fred Sahner (directed by Barry Streifert featuring Justin Williams, Katie Buckley, Cindy Elsenbeck and Sean Kittle)

*UNTIL DEATH DO WE PART by Renee Day (directed by Patrick Rooney featuring Kevin Marshall, Kari Vanalstine, and Isaac Newberry)

*THE STONE HOUSE by Marty Egan (directed by Neilson Jones featuring Yvonne Masse, Stephen Henel, Jeffrey P. Hocking and Roberta Fox)

*FAINT HEARTS by Stephen Henel (directed by Jimmy Cupp and featuring Jennifer Bullington, Kevin Marshall, Jeremy Noble and Maeve McEneny)

If you go to the Ghost Busters thing, please leave your phone number here so I can call you up and laugh at you. Leaving a voicemail is fine.

And saying you're going for "tips on forensic photography" is like saying you read Playboy for the articles.

@ Taste of Madison there will also be Bike Polo games at noon and 1:30.

Nicks vs. Nets @ Times Union Center this Sunday:

Not a big basketball fan but I like that the NBA is playing a game here. Live games can be exciting and really fun to get into. Saw the Nets play at home (back in 2000) and it was a blast!

apple festival at the altamont fairgrounds!

> On Saturday there's a lecture at the Shaker Heritage Society on
> forensic photography and paranormal research.

Also known as, "bullsh*t".

I feel bad for people who do real forensic photography though. You know. The useful kind.

Yet Another Oktoberfest at Hunter Mountain and a BMW motorcycle rally of some kind.

The Berkshire Harvest Festival is going on Oct 3-4 at the Botanical Gardens in West Stockbridge, Mass. (No more than an hour's drive from Albany). Fine art & crafts, local produce & products, gifts; also live music and a beautiful setting. Sunday looks like the better weather day to go.

I've always been a huge fan of AOA, but I have to tell you that posting that photo of the giant apple cider doughnut with no warning was Just. Plain. Cruel.

Now I am salivating/craving/crawling out of my skin on a Friday afternoon at work. Sigh.

Yes! I second seeing the short play festival!
It's got me in it!

The Warrensburg Garage Sale is going on. More information can be found at

A few photos from Taste of Madison.

Sadly not very attended :) There goes one hour I owe the girlfriend :)

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All Over Albany is for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. In other words, it's for you. It's kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who can help you find out what's up. Oh, and our friends call us AOA.


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