Stuff to do this weekend

The Star Room at Filament Festival- "Cinematic poetry of the first order" -Chicago Tribune.
So--umm-- it's a little damp out there right now.
But you won't need those Wellies and umbrellas for long. Things should dry up just in time for a perfect fall weekend.
After the jump -- a few thoughts on how to enjoy it.
Got some others? Share with the crowd.
And have a great weekend!
1st Friday
It may be a bit damp, but there's plenty of indoor stuff to do at 1st Friday in Albany. Galleries and shops are open late tonight all over Albany. There's a Labyrinth at Lincoln Park (12-9), Marketplace Gallery's All Business Show with artists from Kingston and NYC and music from DJ Trumastr, and two floors of art and music plus a fashion show at 4 Central Ave. Townsend Park Bakery is exhibiting Elise Nadeau's photos from The Lark Tavern. It's Oktoberfest night at the Iron Gate Cafe with German food and beers. Afterwards, Alan Thompson's Little Big Band headlines the Capital Swing Dance at the Elks Club at 25 South Allen.
Wolff's Biergarten's Oktoberfest starts tomorrow morning at 11 and runs through 7. Music, beer, wurst and more. The first 2,000 people get a free stein. $7, $5 pre-sale (at Wolffs), $5 if you bringyour Wolff's liter stein from a World Cup block party.
Not to be confused with Octoberfest. This one is on the Saint Rose lawn on Saturday from noon to 7. It's a free concert with Railbird, Barons In The Attic, No Tag Backs, Slender Shoulders, Try Sarah Topps, A Kick Of Crimson and The Meishlunday.
A whole weekend of cutting edge art, music and film. The Filament festival celebrates new work in performance, visual arts, sound and media. "Over 15 premieres spanning theatre, 24-channel sound, contemporary dance, video, and a barnraising; exchanges with artists, curators, and creative engineers; and a dynamic archive of the artistic process, this three day festival highlights EMPAC's focus on creation via commissions and residencies." Tonight at 6 through Sunday night at 6. Individual performance passes $5-$15, festival passes $35/$12.
Not Just Another Pretty Place
The NYS Museum has just opened a pretty neat exhibit. Not Just Another Pretty Place is a collection of over 100 landscape scenes from around New York State captured in photographs, prints, ceramics, furniture and more. The museum solicited photos for the exhibit a while back. Sebastien has a few in the show and has more on the exhibit here. If you miss it this weekend, it's up through March 3rd.
Saturday night at Valentine's
Scientific Maps and Kitty Little are having a CD release party on Saturday night with Man Scouts and Complicated Shirt tomorrow night at 8 at Valentine's
Janelle Monae and Eli "Paperboy" Reed and the True Loves
Maybe you missed Eli "Paperboy" Reed at Larkfest last weekend. Or maybe you caught the show and you want some more. Reed performs again tonight at 8 with Janelle Monae at the Skidmore College Sports and Recreation Center. $20.
Two days of music, cider donuts, pies, apples, and fair food at the Altamont Fairgrounds. Applestock starts at noon on Saturday and Sunday. $12 per day or $19 for a two day pass.
Woodstock Film Festival
Take a drive to the Hudson Valley and check out some of the films, panels, workshops and concerts at the Woodstock Film Festival. It's already underway and continues through Sunday.
A Film Unfinished
OK, this one is not so much fun as interesting. The Spectrum is screening A Film Unfinished -- a film about a propaganda film shot by the Nazis.
Vegetarian Expo
This Saturday at the Empire State Plaza, the Vegetarian Expo brings together food, animal exhibits, a vegan fashion show and info about green sustainable living, environmental awareness. Bring your old cell phones and used ink cartridges -- there's a collection point there. 10-5. Free.
Selected Shorts at
If you road trip out to the Arkell Museum in Canajohaire tomorrow you can visit the art exhibits and then head off to Canajohaire High School for a live performance of the NPR program Selected Shorts.Joanna Gleason (West Wing) and James Naughton (Gossip Girl/The Devil Wears Prada) read short stories. 7PM. $20, $30 for priority seating and a post show reception with the actors.
Caribbean Culture Fest
Sunday at 4 at the Washington Avenue Armory is hosting a Caribbean Culture Festival and reggae concert.
Showcase of Homes -Final week
This is the last weekend to check out the Showcase of Homes in Saratoga. Today through Sunday tour some pretty cool new houses. Proceeds go to help Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together. $20
Pick a few apples
Where? Here are a few places to start. Don't forget the cider donuts.
Tour de Donut
Take Daniel B.'s Tour de Donut. Then go to the gym.
Road Trip
Spend 12 hours Ulster County, something or Schoharie. Or truck up to Bennington VT. Or you could do a little fall shopping in Northampton or Woodstock
Take a walk
The leaves are just starting to turn and the weather should be just right for a nice walk. Before you head out, check out some of our favorite autumn walks.
*Yes, EMPAC has advertised the Filament Festival on AOA.
Photo: Maryanne Amacherphoto courtesy of the Maryanne Amacher Archive
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Last weekend to see "The Complete History of America (Abridged)" at Albany Civic Theater!
... said Amy on Oct 1, 2010 at 10:38 AM | link
The Southern Vermont Home Brew Festival is happening in Bennington on Saturday:
... said Tori on Oct 1, 2010 at 1:03 PM | link
Lounge @ Daisy Baker's in Troy is this Saturday @ 10. House music and guest DJ action. Think there's a $5 cover.
... said ethan on Oct 1, 2010 at 1:22 PM | link
If anyone is seriously thinking about taking the Tour de Donut, email me and I'll send you a PDF of the scoresheet.
Danielb [at] fussylittleblog [dot] com
... said Daniel B. on Oct 1, 2010 at 2:41 PM | link
Race for the Cure - tomorrow (Saturday 10/2) --
You can register in the morning & help support a great cause.
... said Danielle on Oct 1, 2010 at 3:47 PM | link
@ Danielle
you beat me by seconds to putting up that link.
some pictures I took at last year's race are here...
... said rob on Oct 1, 2010 at 4:03 PM | link
#1 Cohoes Falls - because of the past few days of rain, great chance to see these beautiful falls with tons of water flowing.
#2 Goat Brothers Motorcycle Swap Meet and Bike Show at the Saratoga County Fairgrounds in Ballston Spa. Food, live entertainment, apparel vendors and lots of bikes. 10AM-6PM.
... said The Dude on Oct 1, 2010 at 11:24 PM | link