Stuff to do this weekend

Don't forget to turn them back this weekend.
This weekend looks chilly, but awesome.
Got plans?
After the jump, a few things that looked good to us. Got something else in mind? Tell us about it.
And have a great weekend!
1st Friday
Put on your Wellies and wander the shops and galleries of Albany for 1st Friday. Be sure and check out the Marketplace Gallery's "Ready or Not" show , featuring artists from NYC and Albany. It's followed by an after party with Dj TrueMastr and projection art by V3 1983. Dovecote (306 Hudson Ave. -- the former Amrose + Sable) is featuring Christina Kincade's first solo show and The Albany Art Room is holding a fundraiser for The Wishi Project.
The post 1st Friday Capital Swing Dance starts at 8:30 tonight at the Albany Elks Lodge (25 South Allen Street). Headliners are Patti-O and the Hip Hooligans.
Phantogram at Skidmore
Josh Carter and Sarah Barthel return to Saratoga Springs on Saturday night. They're playing Skidmore's dance gym at 9. $10
More Music:
+Our Friends at WEXT are bringing Peter Case and Ashley Pond to Valentine's tonight.
+Pretty Lights is at The Washington Avenue Armory in Albany on Saturday night at 8. $26.
+Man at work, Colin Hay performs a benefit concert tonight at 7:30 at the Troy Music Hall. It's a fundraiser for the Capital Region Coalition Against Homelessness. $15- $50
Dave Matthews is at the TU center tonight at 7.
+Boston Pops conductor Keith Lockhart leads England's BBC concert orchestra in a program of Russian Composers tonight at Proctors. $20 -$75.
To Kill a Saturday
A marathon reading of To Kill a Mockingbird starts at 9AM on Saturday at The Book House at Stuyvesant Plaza goes until 9PM -- or until the book is finished. Drop by and listen to members of the AOA crowd and local media folks read this Harper Lee classic. The event is free but donations to Literacy Volunteers will be accepted.
+Kathy Griffin does her stand-up act on Sunday at The Palace Theater.
+Mop and Bucket have a Spontaneous Broadway show tonight at 8 Underground at Proctor's
+Steven Wright is at The Egg on Saturday night at 8. $29.50, 39.50, $50.
Latitude 14: Red Fly/Blue Bottle
Part concert, part video installation Latitude 14:Red Fly/Blue Bottle " explores the mediating effects of memory and how we use imagination to surmount that which we have lost." It's described as a "sonic web that traces a young woman's discovery of her companion's deployment to a secret war and the steps she takes to make sense of his absence." Tonight and Saturday at 8 at EMPAC.
Best Practices in Banana Time
The Sanctuary for Independent Media presents this "mixed reality talk show that takes place in a real life physical venue and simultaneously in the 3D virtual environment of Second Life... the talk show explores new forms of online labor in the global, digital workplace." Suggested donation $10, $5 for students and low income.
Eco Show
Get earth friendly tips that make it easier to be green as the Eco Show --the largest environmentally friendly trade show in Upstate New York. Tonight through Sunday at HVCC $3
Start your shopping
Halloween and election day have come and gone. Time to get going on holiday shopping. If you're looking for something a little out of the ordinary here are a few places to check out:
+The Tight Knit Market is back at the Troy Farmers Market in the Uncle Sam Atrium on Saturday from 9-1.
+There's a Holiday Craft show at The Woman's Club of Albany this weekend. Friday 5-9 and Saturday 10-5
+The Arts Center for the Capital Region has opened their Handmade for the Holidays shop. You can browse on Saturday from 11-3.
Snow business
If you're excited about the coming winter, you might want to check out the Albany Ski & Snowboard Expo at the Empire State Plaza. It starts today and runs through Sunday. $8, $7 for kids 7-12. Kids 6 and under are free.
The Albany Devils are at the TU Center tomorrow night at 7 and Sunday at 4.
Mass MoCA
This should be a great weekend to take a drive out to Mass MoCA. Check out the Material World and Sol LeWitt exhibits and Leonard Nimoy's Secret Selves show.
Other road trips
Spend 12 hours in Columbia County . You can also try Ulster or Schoharie county. Or head over to Bennington. Or you could do a little fall shopping in Northampton or Woodstock. And if you're up near Glens Falls, swing through town.
Make your house smell really good
Head to the winter farmers markets and pick up some apples or root vegetables. Then go home and roast or bake something yummy. Bonus points if you share it.
Have a donut
Not just any donut -- a cider donut. Heck, have a bunch. There's still time to try Daniel B.'s Tour de Donut. Don't forget to pace yourself.
Or a burger
Craving a good burger? Here are some spots to try.
Go chasing waterfalls
All the rain we've had recently should mean pretty good flows for local waterfalls. Here are a few good ones to check out.
Rake leaves
Sure, this doesn't sound like fun at first -- but since you have to do it, get some friends to help. Rake the leaves into a big giant pile. Then jump in. Your inner 5 year old will thank you.
*AOA is a media sponsor of To Kill a Saturday
*EMPAC has advertised on AOA in the past. The Troy Music Hall and The Palace are currently advertising on AOA.
Photo: Flickr user RBerteig
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Plaza Auto Show
November 5th through the 7th, 2010
Empire State Plaza, Albany, N.Y.-Concourse Level
Friday 9 a.m.-9 p.m.,
Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Sunday 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
Over 160 new vehicles (cars, trucks, minivans, & SUVs), representing 30 manufacturers and exhibitor booths featuring auto-related exhibitor products and services.
Admission is free. Parking on Friday after 4 p.m. and all day Saturday and Sunday only $5.
Special Events: Mr. Twisty
... said Rich on Nov 5, 2010 at 11:04 AM | link
Dirty Paris is also at Red Square Saturday night 8 pm.
... said C on Nov 5, 2010 at 11:20 AM | link
Don't forget the last rabies clinic of 2010 for Albany County is on Saturday in Green Island. I know its not something to do, but its something that is important.
For more information:
... said Olivia on Nov 5, 2010 at 11:38 AM | link
The Stockadeathon 15K is on Sunday. 9AM in Central Park. It's one of the oldest "major" 15K road races in the USA
Race Preview here:
The Healthy Living Expo (packet pickup for the Stockadeathon) is Saturday, 10-4pm at Proctor's. Includes:
Health Exhibits and Arts & Crafts
Early packet pickup
Last chance registration
Kids run registration and activities (including a clown)
Drop off donations of non-perishable items for Thanksgiving “Concerned for the Hungry†food drive encouraged
Drop off donations of clothing for City Mission encouraged
HMRRC booth and clothing sales
... said DanJ on Nov 5, 2010 at 12:07 PM | link
After 1st Friday check out Underground System @ Red Square - a 10 piece AfroFunk/AfroBeat band from Brooklyn w/ DJ Trumastr.
... said Bhawin on Nov 5, 2010 at 12:08 PM | link
Army-Air Force on the Banks of the Hudson Saturday. College football at it's most pure. Pretty safe environment as well.
Jiminy Peak on Sunday to play...sorry, employees only.
... said Jiminy on Nov 5, 2010 at 1:14 PM | link
The Alternate Routes (w/The Kin) at Jillians tonight!
... said Diana on Nov 5, 2010 at 2:24 PM | link
"Plaza Suite" opens tonight at Albany Civic Theater and runs through November 21st - opening night champagne reception and meet and greet with the actors tonight!
... said Amy on Nov 5, 2010 at 3:41 PM | link
Comedian Ralphie May is at The Egg tonight at 8. He's pretty solid.
... said Steve Hungsberg on Nov 5, 2010 at 4:16 PM | link
Surprised no one beat me to this: Dogfish Head Night at The Ruck in Troy tonight.
... said Meagan on Nov 5, 2010 at 4:57 PM | link
THANK YOU for the mention of Holiday Crafts on Madison, A Splendid Show of Art and Craft at The Woman's Club! Here's another link for the show:
We have a great group of artists and the raffle benefits Double H Ranch, a camp for children with life-threatening illnesses. Thanks again!
... said Loretta Fontaine (APPLESandRUBIES) on Nov 5, 2010 at 10:23 PM | link