Stuff to do this weekend

But you'll shoot your eye out kid...
The editors are recovering from Thanksgiving dinner, but we would never leave you hanging for the weekend.
After the jump, a few things that looked like fun to us. Got other plans? It's the season for sharing.
Whatever you're up to, we hope you have a great holiday weekend!
Put on your Wellies and head out to Troy Night Out tonight. The Collar City is decked out for the Holidays and there's lots of music, art and Black Friday sales. Check out the handmade ornaments at Prism, the Tiffany windows at St. Paul's, CAC Woodside's Are We There Yet show with works in progress by some of their current artists in residence(4th St between Broadway and State), and the Tight Knit Fair at The Frear Building (go for the crafts, but check out the awesome staircase in the former Frear's Department Store). Hello Pretty City's Laura Glazer will broadcast a live show from Tight Knit with music from Aaron & Donna of Scientific Maps (8-10).
Entertain the Family
If you've got kids visiting -- or you're just looking for a fun way to entertain your own-- here are a bunch of fun ideas. (Heads-up: Some of this might be fun to try even without kids.)
You'll shoot your eye out
Tonight is Pay What You Will night at Capital Rep for tonight's performance of A Christmas Story. Tickets for tonight's show go on sale at 10AM but if you're willing to pay full price, the regular run starts tomorrow.
Have yourself a Merry...
If you're feeling particularly festive, or you're trying to get in the mood--White Christmas, is at Proctors today and Saturday at 2 and 8 and Sunday at 2. $20-$70.
Holiday Lights
It's Capital Holiday Lights season. The lights go on in Washington Park tonight at dusk. $15 per car.
+Aaron & Donna from Scientific Maps at The Frear Building in Troy as part of the Hello Pretty City Live show tonight at 8.
+ Five Alpha Beatdown are back from Iceland. They're playing Valentine's tonight with Tom McWatters and the Philoe Beddo Band.
+Get to Valentine's early and catch Grainbelt's annual day-after-Thanksgiving show tonight at 6.
+Doc Scanlon's Pan Atlantic Swingsters are playing Daisy Baker's on Saturday night at 10 p.m.
+Mezzo-soprano Christianne Stotijn and pianist Joseph Breinl's international tour will take them to three U.S. venues -- Middlebury College, Carnegie Hall, and, on Saturday night, Union College's Memorial Chapel. She'll perform works by Brahms, Strauss and Tchaikovsky among others. $20, $8 local students.
MopCo will make up an entire Broadway show based on audience suggestions Upstairs at 440 at Proctor's tonight at 8. $14, $6 for students and seniors.
+Albany Devils are at the T.U. Center on Saturday night at 7.
+RPI is at home at the Houston Field House tonight and Saturday night. 7.
Want to do a little holiday shopping but steer clear of the malls? Here are a few local options:
+The Holiday Shoppe at The Arts Center of the Capital Region is open this weekend.
+The Albany Institute of History & Art is holding its annual Gift Fair and Family Festival this weekend.
+The Shaker Christmas Craft Fair continues this weekend at the 1848 Shaker Meeting House, Shaker Site. Jewelry, photography, pottery, and other crafts.
Walk off the pie
Bundle up and get some fresh air and exercise. Here are a few of our favorite autumn walks.
Waterfall hunting
Before the snow comes and makes it harder, go hunting for some of the Capital Region Here are a few good ones to check out.
Road Trips
Pack the family or a few friends in the car and take a day trip:
+ Spend 12 hours in Columbia County .
+ You can also try Ulster or Schoharie county. Or head over to Bennington.
+ You could do a little shopping in Northampton or Woodstock.
If you haven't already eaten enough for the weekend,find a boozy brunch spot and indulge. Bring a designated driver, of course.
The Albany Institute and the Palace both advertise on AOA. And EMPAC has recently.
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The Delmar Farmer's Market is open THIS SATURDAY for Small Biz Saturday! Over 40 producer-only vendors, the people you buy from must grow or make the products they sell. All Good Bakers will have gift certificates, just in time for the holidays! Stop by to see us. Facebook fans of AGB receive a special, join our page for details.
... said All Good Bakers on Nov 26, 2010 at 3:01 PM | link