A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past (short) week on AOA:
+ Soapbox: Martin on missing the Lark Tavern.
+ We broke down the choices for the two closest IKEA locations.
+ We looked for people to draw on the sidewalk.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: a bucket list, Spittle Bugs, a winery, mountain biking, grass-fed steak, sushi, cakes, bolognese, high heels, fiddleheads, churros, The Orchard, MMA, a Bull's Eye, coal, and the upside to rain.
+ The Capital District Community Gardens is putting healthy food in convenience stores.
+ A report estimated SUNY's economic impact on the Capital Region.
+ We updated a list of Capital Region swimming pools.
+ A few of the items found on Craigslist this week: flirting at the dump, a want ad for naked house cleaning, a skate park, and a photo booth.
+ Maya asked about bike rentals.
+ Matt Baumgartner sent Roy McDonald a message about same-sex marriage. Via a billboard.
+ We'll talked with Jason Baker -- the innovative chef at Wine Bar and Bistro on Lark -- about art, duck testicles, and militant French kitchens.
+ And it's Karner Blue season.
If you'd just like the whole week unfiltered, check our listing of the last seven days of AOA.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?