A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ Soapbox: Rob took in a cricket a few cricket matches -- in a Schenectady park, and in a street in his neighborhood.
+ Danielle noted that we're living in "retro music land."
+ The state released test scores of elementary schools -- so we broke out the scores from Capital Region districts into an easy-to-scan format.
+ Susan asked about where to get a record player fixed.
+ Kim asked about getting bats removed from her home.
+ Eat this: the Boston Shake at The Snowman.
+ We met Nikki Weakley from the US Water Ski Show Team, which practices in Scotia.
+ Coccadots competed on the Food Network show Cupcake Wars -- and there were casualties.
+ Jen asked about getting tub and tiled re-glazed.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: the future, storytelling, a tiny house gone, pirate outfitters, drugs, the Track, public bathrooms, peanut butter and jelly wings, all-you-can-eat sushi, the Tour de Fish Fry, million dollar french toast, an anthem, Art Omi, a place where slobs don't go.
+ We checked out the Front Parlor storytelling series in Troy -- and it was great.
+ The Hudson River near Albany is kind of... poopy.
+ A few of the items found on Craigslist this week: disposable income for mindless distraction, a Primus fan who smells OK, a questionable protest tactic, and chicks.
+ Danielle talked with the founder of the Caffe Lena History Project.
If you'd just like the whole week unfiltered, check our listing of the last seven days of AOA.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared a photo or idea this week!
Cupcake Wars screengrab: Food Network
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?