A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ A. asked about where to get a "check engine" light read for just a few bucks (or even free).
+ We got a look inside the renovation of the former St. Joseph's Academy in Albany -- a live/work space for artists that's part of the Albany Barn.
+ Kerry asked about where to buy essential oils.
+ Daniel recommended a seasonal burger/hot dog shack that you probably haven't heard of.
+ We browsed the Albany Institute's online collections.
+ In spite of the weather, pick your own strawberry season has arrive -- we pulled together our annual list of places to pick.
+ Casey hiked the same path at Teddy Roosevelt.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: a thank you, 20 minutes, a concert's impact, advice, navigating Manhattan, riding out the storm, five years at a job, the very air, calamity, DeFazio's at the ESP, granola, shrimp, CSA fast food, and photos from the ballgame.
+ Stephanie asked about where to get her car's transmission replaced.
+ We talked with the mysterious creator of Albany Archives.
+ A few of the items found on Craigslist this week: the color of summer and swarthy madness, 0 to smitten, the forlorn treadmills of Craigslist, and Icelandic lambs.
+ Jenn asked about fun ideas for an anniversary day.
+ A question from Gina about electric vehicle charging at the Empire State Plaza prompted us to look at the topic both here in the Capital Region and, to some extent, everywhere.
+ This year's Farm Aid concert will be at SPAC.
+ And yet more bumper gawking.
Here's the whole week all lined up.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea or photo this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?