A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ It's not just you -- we're coming up on the earliest sunset of the year.
+ Greg asked about what sort of winter hat to get.
+ November really was unusually warm.
+ A big, big, big list of holiday events around the Capital Region over the next month.
+ We looked into some of the history of the Albany places mentioned in a travel guide for African Americans during the Jim Crow era.
+ What was up this week in the Neighborhood: deliveries by the Core Five, giving thanks, turkey trotting, the smell of Christmas, a view of Albany, Orange Jelly Fungus, upstate, cycling, a new brewery, highly-touted sushi, calling BS, bliss-inducing croquets, and bringing peace to each other.
+ Julie put together some suggestions for a day trip to Utica and Rome.
+ Nancy asked for suggestions about a good restaurant for Christmas dinner.
+ And a new round of bumper gawking.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea this week!
Green Book cover via New York Public Library
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?