A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past short week on AOA:
+ Hey, look, Albany was on the BBC.
+ Jean asked about a good place to get skates sharpened.
+ Deanna stopped into The Sap House for pancakes.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: learning to love, trolleys, a soul effigy, Crane Mountain, Tour de Wings, Nirvana, Death Wish Coffee, a new menu, gluten-free pizza, a cozy Italian spot, brewing, Summer in February, and the Vivaldi's Pond.
+ A guide to visiting Albany... in 1893.
+ Paula shared some of the stories of African Americans buried in the Albany Rural Cemetery.
+ We skimmed some of the latest parts of the Rezone Albany project.
+ Albany and the South Mall Expressway aren't splitting up any time soon.
+ A few quick updates on new projects in the Warehouse District -- and a look at a potential complication there.
+ And, because they're beautiful, snow feathers.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea this week!
screengrab from BBC Two Great American Railroad Journeys
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Happy Birthday month AOA! You're 8 now. Time for your annual developmental update. This year you learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. You learned how to correctly dive into a pool. You've lost all your baby teeth and you're finally big enough to not need a booster seat- although youre still not big enough for the front. You love showing off for friends and it seems like your most common phrase is "Hey mom, watch this". You're about to test to become a brown belt in taekwando and you're a "wolf" in cubscouts. 2nd grade is super fun and Mindcraft is starting to eclipse Pokémon for most popular hobby among you and your friends. You love to read books and you're finally asking about the world at large and understanding abstract concepts. You recently learned how presidential primaries work. You were shocked to discover that we've had only one non-white president and no women presidents. You thought that was "really strange". But anyway, you're turning into quite the amazing person...err....blog, and your parents couldn't be prouder. Happy Birthday AOA! Xoxoxox!
... said Arielle on Feb 21, 2016 at 10:32 PM | link
@Arielle: Thank you! These annual comments always make me smile.
... said Greg on Feb 22, 2016 at 12:22 PM | link
I miss pantaloons...
... said -S on Feb 22, 2016 at 2:35 PM | link
@AOA, you'll also be able to opt-out of those Common Core tests when you start 3rd grade latter this year...but only if you want to :)
... said Rich on Feb 22, 2016 at 3:22 PM | link