A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ Here are the three finalists for this year's AOA Startup Grant.
+ We checked out the new Orange Street Community Mural in Albany.
+ A look at the Capital Region's transit arteries.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: the other shoe, the Great Migration, stopping for gas, the Marquis de Lafayette, Star Trek, high peaks, mountain biking, the upper Hudson, gutters, a food fest, a new restaurant in Chatham, burgers, a backyard project, and storms.
+ (blink) pedestrian crossing (blink)
+ Albany's new zoning map is out.
+ We're getting another area code.
+ Albany is adding some flexibility to its old underground spine.
+ And a few updates on projects around Albany -- at Albany Med, and in Hudson/Park.
Here's the whole week in one place.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?