Stuff to do this weekend

Guys in kilts throwing trees-- this weekend at the Scottish Games.
Wow! But we mean, wow. We may be looking at the best full weekend of weather we've had all summer long. And it's got an extra day in it!
OK, don't look a gift weekend in the mouth (yeah, we know that doesn't make sense), just get out there and enjoy it . There's a ton of stuff to do. Here's a list of suff that looked good to us -- but, as always, let us know what we missed.
And have fun!
1st Friday
Kick things off with a walk around A-Town. Shops and galleries are open late for 1st Friday. Drop by Albany Center Galleries and check out the Assiduity exhibit or stop in at 4 Central Avenue for a look at the Contompasis brothers art show "Epic." You can also see some of their art at Lark Tavern tonight at a fund raiser for the brothers, who lost a bunch of their work in a recent fire. Oh, and Capital Wine (the little wine shop at State and Lark) is tasting local wines tonight. You can sample wines from Hudson-Chatham Winery in Columbia County and the Core Vodka folks will be there with samples too.
"If it's not Scottish..."
Labor day means it's time for the Capital District Scottish Games at the Altamont Fairgrounds. Check out the pipe bands, watch guys in kilts throw trees (otherwise known as the caber toss) and stop by the bonnie knees contest. Gates open at 9am Saturday 10am on Sunday. Tickets range from $10-$20 . Kids under 12 are free.
Go to the fair
The Columbia County and Schaghticoke fairs are already under way. Funnel cake and fried Oreos await!
Final Stretch
Saratoga is wrapping up racing season with a weeked long music festival. Bands are playing indoors and outdoors all over downtown Saratoga Springs on Saturday and Sunday nights. Drop by the Adelphi for a daquari or pick up a Spa City cupcake. Sure, parking might be a challenge. We can't make any promises, but we'd try the super-secret parking garage first.
And they're off
Labor day weekend is the best time of the year to visit the horses at the Saratoga Racecourse. The lines are short, tables and seats are much easier to come by and this weekend's weather is a good bet. Also a good idea, breakfast at the track.
Pack a good picnic, grab some space on the lawn at Tanglewood and settle in for a weekend of Jazz. Regina Carter, John Pizzarelli and Benny Reid are among the headliners at this weekend's Tanglewood Jazz Fest in Lenox MA. Tickets go for $17 to $75 depending on what you want to see.
See a show
Summer theater festivals are winding down but there's still plenty to see. Here are a few options:
The Actor's Ensemble in Hudson is doing a new play based on O'Neill's "Long Day's Journey into Night." Eugene's Gohosts goes up tonight and tomorrow at 7:30 and Sunday at 2 at Space 360 in Hudson. 360 Warren St., Hudson. $20, $16 for students and seniors.
Shear Madness continues at Capital Rep iThis weekend you can catch it tonight at 8, Sat at 3 PM and 7:30 and Sun at 2:30 $36-46.
Shakespeare and Company has a weekend of great plays by "the bard for Stratford on Avon." Othello, Twelfth Night and Measure for Measure end this weekend.
Go dancin'
The Hip Hooligans are playing at tonight's Capital Swing Dance. Things get going at 7:30 at the Albany Elks Club.$15, $12 members, $10 students and seniors.
If ballroom is more your thing the Underground Ballroom folks will be at The Fuze Box on Saturday night from 8 to 10. Lesson at 7:30
On Sunday there's a Ballroom group at Ukrainian Home at 1 Pulaski Street in Cohoes. 7-10 (lesson at 6:15) $10, $5 for students.
Take a hike
There are lots of great places for hiking in the Capital Region, but if you're looking for one that will get you home in time for lunch (or dinner) check out Indian Ladder Trail.
Follow the yellow brick road
No, really. Red shoes not required, but, you know, bring them if you've got them.
If you've ever wanted to check out the giant sculpture at Omi International Arts Center in Ghent, this looks like a great weekend for Ghent. Omi is 100 acres of large scale sculpture by international artists -- and some of it is pretty wild. Bring your camera and your bug spray.
Craft show with a side of bacon
Lakeside Farms Cider Mill is having their annual craft fair this weekend. And since craft shopping can make a person very hungry, you may have to stop into Lakeside's restaurant for a BLT and a cider donut. We're just sayin'.
Spend 12 hours somewhere else
Because sometimes what you really need is a change of scenery. Here are a few easy 12 hour getaways: Bennington, Schoharie County.
Last chance swimming
Sure, if you've got your own pool, there might be a little swimming left in the season, but if you're counting on public pools and beaches-- this is it. Drop by the Victoria or Peerless pools in Saratoga or one of the Albany pools before they close for the season.
This is pretty much it for local drive-in movies. The Hollywood is showing Final Destination and District 9. The Malta Drive in has both of those along with Shorts and Halloween II.
Eat outside!
Who knows when we'll get patio weather like this again. Grab a meal or cocktails on your favorite local patio. Here are a few suggestions.
Photo: Flickr user jlwelsh
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I have to say, the new lighting on the ferris wheel at the schaghticoke fair this year really is impressive and unique. Even if you don't enter the fairgrounds, you can clearly see the wheel from either Route 40 (close) or westbound on Stillwater Bridge Road (father away). I monitored the wheel for over 9 minutes and never saw the scheme repeat its sequence. So come up for the fireworks Saturday night, get a milkshake at Stewarts, park along the road, and watch the wheel's warm-up act.
... said Jeff Stannard on Sep 4, 2009 at 10:40 AM | link
You can also see disgraced former self-proclaimed Lt. Governor Kevin Marshall in ARCADIA at the RPI Playhouse on 15th St. in Troy! Friday & Saturday at 8pm, Sunday at 2pm. Tickets are $10 ($5 with RPI ID).
I'm featured as Septimus Hodge, professional tutor and rake. It's a blast. Come throw tomatoes at me.
... said Kevin Marshall on Sep 4, 2009 at 11:02 AM | link
The Piper's Dojo ( will be at the Altamont Fairgrounds tonight starting at 5pm. Feel free to stop by and see some of the piping (and drumming) action as bands and solo players prepare for the games this weekend!
... said Stephanie on Sep 4, 2009 at 11:03 AM | link
The Schooner Lois McClure, a full-scale replica of an 1862-class sailing canal boat, will be at the Town Wall in Mechanicville from 10am-6pm today (Friday) and tomorrow. They're giving free tours.
... said Jenn on Sep 4, 2009 at 11:04 AM | link
Tonight at Valentines for $5:
Todd is New Each Moment (ex-Amazing Plaid/Zahnartz members)
Salon Style (Gaven Richard of Kamikaze Hearts)
Tough (first gig in at least a year!)
... said jess on Sep 4, 2009 at 11:09 AM | link
The Highland Games are always worth a gander. The marching pipe bands make the hair on the back of you neck stand up...oh, and the "Bonniest Knees" Contest?
... said James at 42 on Sep 4, 2009 at 11:17 AM | link
i'll be one of those fellas in kilts throwing trees(cabers) on Sunday, hope to see you all there.
... said JVG on Sep 4, 2009 at 11:30 AM | link
I'm super psyched for the Scottish games. The food is great (try a bridie!), and on Sunday they hold "mass bands." All of the pipe and drum bands that were competing gather together in the big tent and play as one. It's chilling, awe-inspiring and wonderful!
... said Summer on Sep 4, 2009 at 11:41 AM | link
The EPIC Art Show and Fundraiser at 4 Central Ave (temporary home of the MarketPlace Gallery because of the fire at 40 Broadway) will run Friday 5-9pm, Saturday 2-10pm and Sunday 2-10pm. Some of the works salvaged from the fire will be in a special display. Thanks to all those who have lent their support to help transform this vacant space into a gallery in under a week. Hope to see you there!
... said EPIC Art Show on Sep 4, 2009 at 12:28 PM | link
@Jeff: "I have to say, the new lighting on the ferris wheel at the schaghticoke fair this year really is impressive"
Certainly is. B got some pretty good photos of it.
... said -S on Sep 4, 2009 at 12:34 PM | link
There's also a smaller (than Saugerties) garlic festival in Bennington....
... said Paul C. on Sep 4, 2009 at 3:06 PM | link