A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ Katie pushed the idea of thinking beyond an aquarium for a destination museum/attraction in Albany. (Speaking of an aquarium...)
+ This area isn't disaster prone, relatively speaking.
+ Jeff recommended cheesecake made by nuns.
+ Scott asked about battery recycling.
+ Lyme disease is a big issue in this part of the country, and this week the CDC started to revise estimates of the number of cases -- and it was a much bigger number.
+ Casey talked with 4-H kids competing for ribbons at the Altamont Fair. Or, as we could have headlined it: 12 cute photos of kids with cows. (Seriously, though, it was a fun and interesting post.)
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: summer trips, High Peaks, to do, old locks, business names, disappointment in Sharon Springs, Fresh Healthy Cafe, Hong Kong Bakery and Bistro, adventurous cocktails, food festival pics, art for the deli, Philip Livingston Junior High School, dapper Albany, the mosh pit, and things the internet said to be afraid of.
+ Casey checked out Grazin' in Hudson -- the diner gets beef and other ingredients from its own nearby farm.
+ We took a quick trip through the new Dave & Buster's at Crossgates.
+ An offhand idea turned into an actual apple cider croissant donut.
+ And hey, look: Sean Rowe will be playing at the Troy Music Hall.
Here's the whole week all lined up.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea or photo this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?