A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past short week on AOA:
+ The Best Dozen took Daniel to Hannaford and, well, we think all the donuts are starting to get to him.
+ We updated our listing of ice skating spots, both outdoor and indoor.
+ All that remained of the Quintessence building this week was the door.
+ We gave away tickets to a Valentine's Day dinner at Nine Pin Ciderworks with food by Jeff Loshinsky Catering by asking people about everyday expressions of love. There were some great answers.
+ Some "sliding" before-and-after photos from this week's not-quite icy, snowy, apocalypse.
+ Apocalypse or not, it was extraordinarily fluffy snow.
+ Lauren asked about good wine classes.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: on who is Albany, the state of our state, fire vs. ice, a blood-red path through the snow, a snowy hike, the King's Highway Barren, Lake Placid, shopping for art, quality ingredients, Crimson Sparrow, U Mundu E Ca, late night food, crimes and punishment, and old railways.
+ A checklist for Upstate Place/Rust Belt City is the new Brooklyn articles. Because... yeah.
+ Lauren Hittinger put together a day trip to Glens Falls and the Hyde Collection.
+ That land on the southern edge of downtown Albany won't be a convention center -- so what should it be?
+ An interesting, kind of beautiful map of the Capital Region's main arteries.
Here's the whole week all lined up.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea or photo this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?