Summer with Troy Mayor Harry Tutunjian

Harry's a fan of Troy. And chocolate peanut-butter.
Sure, it's kind of a given that Troy Mayor Harry Tutunjian likes life in the Capital Region.
He's a Mayor here, after all.
But he's also as a life-long Troy resident who really enjoys the Capital Region summers -- which qualifies him for our series on our summer stay-cations.
Also, we kinda felt like we know him from his tweets.
So we asked.
And Harry T. answered.
Summer with Hounds on the Hudson's Jen & Mike

Mike and Jen's dog days of summer
We first met Hounds on Hudson owners Jen & Mike last year, as part of an AOA audio slide show.
You pick up a lot while walking a dog. And Jen and Mike are out and about, walking dogs in the Capital Region year round, so they've learned a lot about what there is to do and see in the area.
We thought we'd check in with them about their favorite things to do in the summer, both with and without the dogs.
Summer with Bennett Campbell

Bennett, from the other side of the lens
Bennett Campbell is the guy behind the camera.
If you've seen his photos on AOA, you understand that he's always watching interesting things -- whether they're part of big events, or they're little moments the rest of us might miss.
Usually when we run into Bennett he's got his camera in tow -- so we asked him where it is he goes, and what it is he's looking at in the summer.
And Bennett did the thing Bennett does best -- he showed us.
Answers and some wonderful summer photos, after the jump.
Summer with Amy Mengel

Amy at Sleeping Beauty
Amy Mengel is always looking for something new.
Every time we meet up with her we hear tales of another great hike, bike ride or kayaking adventure -- or news of the newest restaurant or craft beer joint she's discovered.
So as part of our stay-cation series, here's some of Amy's advice for getting the most out of your Capital Region summer.
Summer with Kaitlin Resler

Kaitlin thinks you should come to Albany for the birds... among other things.
Kaitlin Resler is a lovely and talented person with an incredible sense of style.
You may know Kaitlin from her fashion and shopping posts on AOA or her blog, All This Happiness, or the recent feature the folks at The Fashion Spot did about her. Maybe you've seen her scooping gelato or plating pastry at Crisan (she's the one with the Audrey Hepburn thing going on ), or on a walk through the Washington Park, Saratoga, or the Empire Plaza.
Kaitlin really appreciates beauty -- in everything from clothes and buildings to quirky taxidermy birds.
She's lived in Albany for most of her life, and she's one of the city's greatest cheerleaders, which made her a natural choice for our summer stay-cation series.
Summer with Sandor Silverman

Sandor cools off at the dunking booth.
Today's summer stay-cation tips come from Sandor Silverman.
From meeting Sandor in person, and from his comments on AOA, we always kind of picture him at the center of a party. He's often organizing events like happy hour meet-ups or pub crawls, has been known to offer to buy a beer or two, and is definitely someone we'd want on our side in case of a zombie attack.
All these things, and many others, made us curious about how Sandor likes to spend his summers.
Summer with Erik Dollman

Erik's dog days of summer.
You may have seen Erik's posts about fashion and fitness on AOA.
He's one of those people we love to run into while we're working at Uncommon Grounds. His list of rules for life leave us smiling and thinking.
And he's always offering suggestions for something fun he's tried.
So we asked him to share some of his summer stay-cation suggestions with the crowd.
Summer with Ellie Burhans

Ellie of Troy
Pretty much every time we talk with Ellie Burhans she's off to do something fun and interesting. When we caught up with her to ask about her favorite summer stay-cation ideas, she was in the midst of a mid-day, mid-week champagne run between World Cup parties.
Powered by large amounts of coffee, we seldom see her sit still. Here's a look of some of the things she'll be doing this summer.
Summer with Rob and Carey

Stay-cation week continues on AOA this week with Capital Region summer fun suggestions from Corks & Caftans bloggers Rob & Carey.
He loves wine-- she loves fashion, and they both summers in Saratoga.
Summer with Arielle Ewell

Arielle knows everyone in Albany.
If you want to fall in love with summer in Albany, talk about it with Arielle Ewell.
As part of AOA's stay-cation week, this native Albanian mom/student shared some of her favorite ways to enjoy the season here in the Capital Region.
Check them out after the jump.
Summer with Daniel Nester

Portrait of the professor with storm trooper.
While AOA is on a little summer stay-cation, we've checked in with some of the crowd to see what they like to do during summers in the Capital Region.
Next on the list, author, professor, blogger and expert in "things inappropriate," Daniel Nester.
Summer with Emily Armstrong

Emily loves her summers in Troy
AOA is taking a little R 'n R this week, so we asked a few members of the crowd to help us out a bit. We're on a sort of stay-cation, so we asked a handful of folks what they enjoy doing with their Capital Region summers.
First up, urban chicken keeper and bacon hot chocolate lover Emily Armstrong.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?