Items tagged with 'holidaygiftlist2013'
Holiday gift list: Lydia Kulbida

Lydia could be that woman in the car in front of you, buying you coffee.
It's not about getting -- it's about giving. Everybody knows that. So instead of asking a handful of interesting people what's on their holiday wish list this year, we asked them what they'd like to give for the holidays this year.
Our final list comes from News10 anchor Lydia Kulbida.
Holiday gift list: Jim Larson

It's not about getting -- it's about giving. Everybody knows that. So instead of asking a handful of interesting people what's on their holiday wish list this year, we asked them what they'd like to give for the holidays this year.
Up next: Everyone's favorite Santa Speedo sprinter, Jim Larson...
Holiday gift list: Nicole Lemperle Correia

On Nicole's gift list: A trip to the Corning Tower, sledding at Capital Hills, and monkey tattoos.
It's not about getting -- it's about giving. Everybody knows that. So instead of asking a handful of interesting people what's on their holiday wish list this year, we asked them what they'd like to give for the holidays this year.
Today's list, from It's Loverly's Nicole Lemperle Correia, is filled with Capital Region traditions.
Holiday gift list: Alexa Bernstein

Alexa and St. Nick -- making your holiday dreams come true.
It's not about getting -- it's about giving. Everybody knows that. So instead of asking a handful of interesting people what's on their holiday wish list this year, we asked them what they'd like to give for the holidays this year.
Today's list comes from fashion and DIY blogger Miss Rosie O., aka, Alexa Bernstein.
Holiday gift list: Chuck Miller

Chuck is looking forward to going back with a vintage holiday.
It's not about getting -- it's about giving. Everybody knows that. So instead of asking a handful of interesting people what's on their holiday wish list this year, we asked them what they'd like to give for the holidays this year.
Today's list, from Chuck Miller, is a nostalgic look at toys from Christmas past that still make great presents in the present.
Holiday gift list: Jessica Belflower

It's not about getting -- it's about giving. Everybody knows that. So instead of asking a handful of interesting people what's on their holiday wish list this year, we asked them what they'd like to give for the holidays this year.
Today's gift list comes from Jessica Belflower -- and it includes a lot of time spent with the people she loves.
Holiday gift list: Schuyler Bull

Schuyler wants to give you a megaplex.
It's not about getting -- it's about giving. Everybody knows that. So instead of asking a handful of interesting people what's on their holiday wish list this year, we asked them what they'd like to give for the holidays this year.
Today's list, from Schuyler Bull, even includes something for you.
Holiday gift list: Kaitlin Resler

"I've recently discovered that adults love a good pair of socks like nothing else."
It's not about getting -- it's about giving. Everybody knows that. So instead of asking a handful of interesting people what's on their holiday wish list this year, we asked them what they'd like to give for the holidays this year.
First up: The always fashionable Kaitlin Resler shares a few items from her shopping list this year -- including pendants, whiskey... and socks.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?