A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ We checked out the sidewalk painting at the River Street Festival.
+ Liz asked about finding a career coach.
+ The state released the latest batch of high school graduation rates -- and as in years past, there were some sobering gaps between some school districts and groups of students.
+ We gave away tickets to the Albany Barn's Build Up by asking: What sign/event/thing says to you that summer is really here in the Capital Region?
+ The new Bombers in Troy opened, we stopped in for a look and to talk with the owners.
+ Jeff asked about transportation options for a group day trip.
+ Here are the answers for the Albany I Spy architecture/history scavenger hunt.
+ We gave away tickets to see Neil Gaiman in Saratoga by asking: What's something fantastical about this area?
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: change, amusement, graduation rates, commodity meats, feral cats, biking to work, botanical bliss, overnight, Mohawk River State Park, drama at the falls, flowers, parking, screwing with breakfast, Ala Shanghai, farm to glass, farm to chef, Nudel, a 1909 cookie, ice cream pies, strawberries, waffles, Garth, yard sale season, modernism, and Father's Day.
+ The feds allege two local men tried to build a mobile radiation weapon that could kill people -- we talked with a nuclear engineer about whether that's actually possible.
+ The new Honest Weight location opened -- Daniel checked it out.
+ A few of the items found on Craigslist this week: a disrupted nap, caveats, a 1700s barn, (and by Val) a goat on a couch.
+ Chrisck asked for tips about how to better track her spending.
+ And we stopped by Washington Park for national Go Skateboarding Day -- and talk for a few minutes with the organizer about the desire for an Albany skate park.
Here's the whole week all lined up.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea or photo this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?