A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past short week on AOA:
+ We gave away tickets to Rest Fest by asking: If you had a band -- what would you name it?
+ Jeff introduced us to the Koozi Sham, and we felt an infomercial-like desire to immediately order one.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: 25 years in Albany, the Veggie Mobile, volunteering, excellent caterpillars, the Hyde Collection, the Adirondacks, public bathroom etiquette, drag racing in Buffalo, banh mi in Montreal, downtown Saratoga Springs, brunch, an odd duck, and congratulations.
+ Proposed legislation to stop state employees from keeping frequent flyer miles accumulated on business travel went over like... well... not like something that flies.
+ Casey shared one way that Starbucks has made things a bit more complicated for local baristas.
+ Alison asked for thoughts about riding bikes on the sidewalk -- there was a lot of discussion.
+ Returned from its August hiatus: Craig and his wonderful list.
And we talked with the two Democratic candidates for Albany mayor. Barring some sort of extraordinary event (like an asteroid), one of them will be the next mayor. We asked them each the same set of questions -- and put them together in a format that makes them easy to scan and focus on the questions that most interest you:
+ The interview with Corey Ellis
+ The interview with Kathy Sheehan
Here's the whole week all lined up.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea or photo this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?