A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ Another update on a former Startup Grant finalists: The Radix Center! There's still time to enter for this year's grant! You should do it! Many exclamation marks!!!
+ After the state attorney general's office tagged some local dealerships for deceptive advertising practices, we asked people for advice on buying a car. There were some good suggestions.
+ Lauren's planning-a-wedding series continued with picking a photographer.
+ We gave away tickets to see the Jim Belushi and the Board of Comedy improv show at Proctors by asking: What's a funny word? (They were, in fact, funny.)
+ Deanna asked about finding golf lessons.
+ Greg asked about finding a good mechanic for Volkswagens.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: a Smallbany moment, something unusual, full-on tectonic body wobbles, a dream window and exposure, a snowy hike, day pack contents, river roads, blood/beer/breasts/Thai food, summer in February, drink specials, a beer dinner, brunch fairies, small plates, lunch, a Caesar salad, an old cookbook, Siena's original name, curling conduct, and a yeti.
+ Lauren checked out the Takk House, a new event space in one of downtown Troy's most surprising buildings.
+ We talked with Bhawin Suchak, the director of the very interesting YouthFX program in Albany.
+ A quick backgrounder on Quirky, the much buzzed about company setting up an office in Schenectady.
+ We checked back in with the Crisp Cannoli about its croissant donuts. (Still popular.)
+ Lauren talked with the owner of Collar City Hard Pressed about the juicing movement.
+ And, after a long hiatus, more bumper gawking.
Here's the whole week all lined up.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea or photo this week!
crodo photo courtesy of the Crisp Cannoli | Bhawin Suchak photo courtesy of YouthFX
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?