A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ We gave away tickets to the ASAP Festival of Meats by asking: What's a meaty topic of local conversation right now?
+ Here's a new sampler of upcoming cooking classes for the fall.
+ Eric asked about where to get a sewing machine fixed.
+ Deanna found sustenance in a cookie from Bake For You.
+ What was up in The Neighborhood this week: stretching the umbilical cord, the busking incident, Albany from above, the Longhouse Revival, the Thousand Islands, hiking, wildflowers, the Hudson Valley Winfest, and the good things.
+ We gave away tickets to see Yo La Tengo at Troy Music Hall and a Brown's Brewing gift certificate by asking: What's something this fall that you're calling out a claim on?
+ Trying to get some sense of just how big an increase a $15 minimum wage would be in New York.
+ We got a look at the new Capital Region in 50 Objects exhibit at the Albany Institute.
+ A new snapshot of Capital Region income looks pretty good -- but there are still some troubling parts of the picture.
+ And AOAOA: How we make those maps.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea this week!
apple peeling photo: NYS Archives
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?