Items tagged with 'spring'

Spring plant sales 2018

cce albany county plant sale

The garden education day/plant sale at the Cornell Cooperative Extension in Voorheesville is always popular.

It's May! And it's finally warmed up! And it will soon be time to start planting tomatoes, peppers, and other warm-weather plants in the garden.

There are a bunch of plants sales around the Capital Region coming up over the next few weeks to help you fill out your garden -- or container on a deck, or window box, or wherever.

Here's a quick list of some upcoming plant sales...

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So, let's talk about the weather this spring

tulips pushing through dirt Washington Park 2018-03-22

The tulips got a slow start this spring.

By Jason Gough

You no doubt know Jason from his many years as a meteorologist on TV here in the Capital Region. He's helping us nerd out on some local weather stuff. Got a question about how local weather works? Send it along!


"Spring, my dimpled tookus". - Jason Gough

OK, we know this spring is the pits, but just how many pits are we talking here?

Before we take a look at some hard numbers to right the ship of despair that is spring 2018, let's look at the bigger picture.

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Hiking the shoulder season

shoulder season hiking composite

By Cristin Steding

Spring is so close you can practically taste it. Little green buds are starting to poke out of the ground. The weather is slowly inching its way above freezing. And it's that time when you might start thinking again about hiking places like the Adirondacks or Catskills.

Spring can be one of the best times of year to hike. The sun feels particularly warm after a long winter, there aren't any bugs yet, and the crisp air is refreshing.

That's all if you're properly prepared -- because while it might (eventually) be 60 and sunny in Albany, up in the mountains it could still be snowing.

Here are some guidelines for making sure you're ready, and a few ideas for spring hikes....

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Ice cream stand season 2018

Tastee Freez Bethlehem exterior 2014-08-14

Looking forward to some warm nights -- and ice cream.

Updated April 10

There's snow on the ground! But spring will be here soon! And that means ice cream stand season!

Whatever the weather, there are already a handful of stands open and more will be opening in the next few weeks.

Here's our annual rundown of many seasonal ice cream stands around the area with opening dates. In some cases the dates are TBA, or we just couldn't find out (yet).

So if you can fill in some of the information in the comments, we'd much appreciate it. Because ice cream.

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Spring plant sales 2017

cornell cooperative extension albany county plant sale 2013

The very popular Cornell Cooperative Extension garden education day and plant sale in Voorheesville.

May is here and it's time for garden planning and planting. There are a bunch of plants sales around the Capital Region coming up over the next few weeks to help you fill out your garden (or container on a deck, or window box, or wherever).

Here's a quick list of some upcoming plant sales...

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Good place for buying spring/Easter plants?

asiatic lily closeupKristin emails:

I am looking for a local nursery that sells beautiful Spring/Easter plants, such as lillies, hyacinths, tulips, etc.With the first day of spring (almost) behind us, and the holiday approaching, I am hoping your readers can provide some good suggestions!

These sorts of plants seem to pop up in all sorts of stores around this time of year, often packaged for easy giving. But, as Kristin mentions, we suspect you're going to find the best selection and quality at a local nursery or a shop that regularly deals in flowers.

Got a favorite spot for buying these types of plants? Please share!

Today's moment of spring

crocus blooms 2016-03-11

It's the annual "Hey, look, crocus blooms!" photo.

Just out of curiosity we looked through the archives today for when we've posted crocus pics in the past. The dates: March 17 (2010) March 19 (2012) April 11 (2011), April 13 (2015).

So it's probably fair to say it's an early crocus year.

Ice cream stand season 2016

jims tastee freez bethlehem 2014-August

The Tastee Freez is always one of the first places to open, and this year is no exception.

Updated March 17

Spring, it is near. And ice cream stand season has started!

A few stands are already open (or will be very soon), and more will be opening in the next few weeks.

Here's our annual rundown of a bunch of seasonal ice cream stands, with opening dates. In some cases the dates are TBA, or we just couldn't find out (yet). So if you can fill in some of the information in the comments, we'd very much appreciate it.

(there's more)

Ways to spend an early spring weekend with visitors from out of town?

purple crocus macroAlisa emails:

Easter and Passover are fast approaching and I have a question a bit different from the typical holiday happenings.
Family with small children are coming into town and I would love ideas of things to do with them beyond the typical holiday meals, religious services and Easter egg hunts. What have you got for a dad and his three year old daughter from out of town?

Passover starts April 3 this year, and Easter is April 5. Let's hope things are noticeably more spring-y by then, because it'd be great to get outside and soak up sunshine and celebrate the changing of the season.

A short trip somewhere in the area? Maybe people have some ideas for a few kid-friendly early spring destinations.

Got a suggestion for Alisa? Please share!

A whole bunch of gardening classes

garlic shoot spring garden


The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and spring will be here soon. (Current status: So ready for spring.)

So now is a good time to be giving some thought to garden plans for the spring and summer -- whether it's just a few flowers, tomatoes in containers on the porch, or raised beds in the backyard. Toward that end there a whole bunch of garden classes / info sessions coming up around the area, on topics ranging from seed starting to composting to backyard chickens.

Here's a quick scan of upcoming classes...

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Ice cream stand season 2015

jims tastee freez bethlehem 2014-August

The Tastee Freez in Bethlehem is already open. (This photo's from last summer -- obviously.)

Breaking: Ice cream stand season has started.

Jim's Tastee Freez is already open. The Snowman opens later this week. And a bunch of other stands will open over the next few weeks.

Here's our annual rundown of a bunch of seasonal ice cream stands, with opening dates. In some cases the dates are TBA, or we just couldn't find out (yet). So if you can fill in some of the information in the comments, we'd very much appreciate it.

Because ice cream.

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Today's moment of spring

white and yellow daffodil

The English word "daffodil" probably comes from the Dutch de affodil (which itself comes from a word for another type of flower).

But the (or a) German word for daffodil might be more fun: Osterglocken -- "Easter bells."

Today's moment of spring

garlic shoot spring garden

One of the things we've come to appreciate about gardening is the way it prompts us to be optimistic. You do all this work in the hope that -- eventually -- something good will happen.

It's especially true of garlic. The cloves are pressed into the soil in late October on the promise that they'll endure through the winter and come up on the other side. It's like an expression of hope that across the wide, snowy expanse we'll once again find a place that's warm and green.

And now we're there.

Ice cream stand season 2014

Thumbnail image for snowman ice cream sign troy

Now open: The Snowman.

Updated March 25

Public service announcement: Ice cream stand season has started.

The Snowman in Troy opened today. Bumpy's in Schenectady opened yesterday. And a few other season stands will be opening over the next week or so.

Here's a round up of a bunch of season ice cream stands, with opening dates. In some cases the dates are TBA, or we just couldn't find out (yet). So if you can fill in some of the information in the comments, we'd very much appreciate it. Because ice cream.

Who wants sprinkles...

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Today's moment of spring

wilted tulips south main ave 2013-05-15

South Main Ave in Albany.

The tulips have to wilt eventually. But even then, still oddly beautiful.

Today's moment of spring

By the way: the rain seems to have knocked some of the tree pollen out of the air.

Today's moment of spring

spring 2013 lilacs small

You can smell them better up close.

Eyes closed. The sun on your face. Deep breath. Lilacs.

Today's moment of spring

magnolia 2013 May

Up close.

A block off Western Ave in Albany, 6:30 pm.

Today's moment of spring

white flowering tree New Scotland Ave 2013-04-24 small

Or, if you prefer, in large format.

Albany, New Scotland Ave, 1:35 pm.

Today's moment of spring

buckingham pond fountain return rowboat

The fountains are back in Albany's Buckingham Pond.

On most days, we're pretty happy our job doesn't involve a row boat. Today... it might not have been so bad.

Proof that the peanut butter egg is better than the peanut butter cup

peanut butter cup vs peanut butter egg

Friday morning on AOA's Facebook page we blithely asserted that the Reese's peanut butter egg is vastly superior to the peanut butter cup. And while there were some who agreed with us, we did later in the day realize the error of our ways.

We didn't have data to support our claim.

So, because it's Friday afternoon, here is definitive proof that the peanut butter egg is better than the peanut butter cup.

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Today's moment of spring

peony rain drops

Even more up close, if you like.

The peonies had been so patient.

And then, on their first day out, it rains.

Washington Park tulips are early -- and beautiful


The tulips in Albany's Washington Park are at their peak. Officially. The city actually sent out a press release today to make sure the word got around because the flowers are so early this year.

That's a little funny, but it speaks to how much tulips are part of Albany's identity. And people would be disappointed if they missed out.

We stopped by the park today to check out the blooms. We ran into Jessica Morgan, Albany's new city gardener. She got dealt tough hand in her first year.

"It's terrible luck!" she said to us, laughing, as we watched people admire the beds of flowers.

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Today's moment of spring

backlit yellow red striped tulips

From the median on South Main Ave in Albany.

(This is to make up for the creepy bug pic earlier.)

An empty lot full of wishes

dandelion seeds in a field

The word dandelion comes from the French "dent de lion" -- lion's tooth. Modern French has a rather different name for the weeds, though.

As it happens, all this rain has polled very well in the dandelion community.

The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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