A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the last week on AOA:
+ Jess told us about how we can keep warm while wearing a mustache.
+ New York's badass president had some badass pets.
+ We collected local comments about the inauguration from around the virtual office water cooler.
+ Yes, we tan.
+ Greg got some homework, but thankfully people were able to help out.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: Nigerian princes, miracles, clotheslines, hats, reservations and fried plantains.
+ On Top Senator: Caroline dropped out, Paterson joked around, Gillibrand became popular and then got picked.
+ We were given a a really long receipt.
+ A few things on Craigslist this week: hedgehogs, ice princesses, Monopoly, dryers and Sarah Palin.
+ Amy Biancolli told us about violinist Fritz Kreisler -- and her new play about him.
+ Phone book relief is coming to Albany.
+ Lisa Barone: raging knee sock fanatic.
+ Every holiday on the calendar came early for the capitol press corps as Joe Bruno was indicted on the same day Gillibrand was picked for the Senate.
+ Eat this: apple raspberry pie from Yonder Farms.
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?