A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ Soapbox: Leigh explained why Capital Pride is one of her favorite local festivals.
+ Speaking of which: Sebastien shared some photos from this year's Pride parade.
+ Tiny anti-frackers popped up in both Schenectady and Albany.
+ We got an outline of how the Albany residential parking permit system might work.
+ Deirdre asked about a good local spot for a bridal shower.
+ We broke out the latest Capital Region high school graduation rates.
+ Brett asked about where he can pick up web design/development skills.
+ Roy McDonald switched to yes the column on same-sex marriage legalization -- emphatically.
+ The Wine-N-Diner came to an untimely end. (We're currently going through serious Southern Belle withdrawal.)
+ There was a yarnbombing in Troy.
+ That's not a good sign.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: the Pride Parade, rock climbing, pugs, the spa, Yaddo, beer at the Van Dyck, strawberries, lamb, croissants, giddy frugality, Regent Street, a moth, mulch, and Lodge's.
+ We imagined how Schenectady ended up in a Google video.
+ A few of the items found on Craigslist this week: hitting on the boss, a lack of small talk in Subway, lamb hearts, and two tiny horses.
+ Pay and display parking found a spot in Albany.
+ Daniel B. asked about finding a good local eye doctor.
+ We talked with Troy artist Jess Fink about her newly published graphic novel.
+ And we picked five local stories that would work better as TV shows.
If you'd just like the whole week unfiltered, check our listing of the last seven days of AOA.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?