You didn't actually ask, but...

Believe it or not, there are some people who don't visit AOA via a bookmark, feed reader, irresistible urge, or unconscious habit. (Yes, shocking, we know.) Many of these people come in looking for something via Google -- and sometimes we can't help but take notice of what they're looking for.
Well, as you know, we like to help. So even though you didn't actually ask, here's the (an) answer...
December 6: does metronorth go to albany?
It does not. It only goes as far north as Poughkeepsie. And, depending on your perspective, maybe that's not such a bad thing -- parts of the Hudson Valley are already becoming Brooklynized. Warren Street in Hudson basically Brooklyn on the weekends.
Anyway, here are multiple ways to travel between NYC and Albany.
December 14: albany vampire
We're really more of a zombie town. So you might want to keep a few things in mind.
December 14: death by icicles what is it called?
Good question. Getting 'cicled? It seems to happen in Russia a lot, so maybe they have a word for it (ÑоÑулька Ñмерти?). Whatever you call it, it seems like a bad way to go.
December 18: what do you call someone from albany, ny
The accepted term is "Albanian" -- but we can't get on board with that, given the confusion it could cause (also: it just sounds... wrong). As it happens, many places around here have odd names for people who are from there.
December 19: why people dont believe in christmas trees
Because they could never wrap their minds around the idea of a virgin tree birth. It's just too hard for these radical, fundamentalist gymnospermists to accept. A new Christmas tree without a staminate cone?! Please.
December 20: what is the salary of the president of the college of saint rose
Mark Sullivan made $324,615 in 2009, according to the Chronicle of Higher Ed.
December 23: why did pasquale's change it's name
Because it's not Pasquale's any longer. Viktoria sold the restaurant. It's now the Capital City Gastropub.
January 3: is albany tap water drinkable
Very. Award-winningly so.
January 5: where to buy lemongrass in albany
The Asian Supermarket. We've also seen it at Hannaford and Price Chopper.
January 9: why isn't it snowing yet in buffalo 2012
The economy and declining tax base couldn't support lake effect snow this year? No? Well, then maybe it's the subtropical jet stream.
Earlier on AOA: The last time we answered questions you didn't ask
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?