A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ Soapbox: Lauren Alpert made the case that the time is right for car sharing in the Capital Region.
+ We had wood-fired pizza from a truck in Hudson.
+ Mary had a great time as a judge for the Pride Parade.
+ The state released high school graduation rates -- we broke out the Capital Region rates in easy-to-scan tables.
+ Casey shared why Footsy Magoo's is worth a stop for a drink.
+ We gave away tickets to the Cake concert at Ommegang by asking: What's your favorite cake?
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: two years, one year, driving an ice cream truck, Verizon customer service, the CrapShack, Capital Region Game of Thrones, llamas, sophistication, Hop Chef, the Bier Abbey, Perfect Storm Mac and Cheese, stinky hipsters, auto body shops, Albany Comic Con, and orchids.
+ Worth pointing out (again): traffic's not bad here.
+ We ran through a bunch of the concerts you might be interested in over the summer. It's a big list.
+ Casey told us about RAD Soap, which is made in Cohoes.
+ A few of the items found on Craigslist this week: a fellow superhero, a slap in the face, a Segway, and tiny furniture.
+ Will asked about renting party space in Troy.
+ We checked some of the pieces in this year's Sculpture in Streets series.
+ Kaitlin and Jess helped us check out the first Old is New consignment sale.
+ And when Otto gets dirty, this is where we take him.
If you'd just like the whole week unfiltered, check our listing of the last seven days of AOA.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared a photo or idea this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?