A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past short week on AOA...
+ This year's Columbus Day map quiz: 10 things that are related.
+ Theresa asked about where to get furniture repaired. (We could use another suggestion or two for this one.)
+ We gave away tickets the Albany Barn's Fusion party by asking: What are two Capital Region things that should be combined?
+ What was up in The Neighborhood this week: kindness, the healing qualities of nature, the Adirondacks in autumn, parking in Albany, Mack Brin, Kingston, Quebec, Utica food, burger chains, Indian food, Benedict Arnold in Albany, and making repairs.
+ We took a field trip to an orchard that's growing special varieties of apples specifically for making cider.
+ Scanning the Capital Region Economic Development Council's 2017 priority projects.
+ Julie pulled together a bunch of suggestions for a weekend trip to Ottawa.
+ The François Stahly Labyrinth is back on the ESP.
+ Some curmudgeonly opinions about apple picking.
+ And the 1 Monument Square movie theater project is off.
Here's the whole week in one place.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea this week!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?