Search results for 'trader joe's'
A look around the new Bull Moose Club coworking space in downtown Albany
Another sign that coworking is starting to catch on in the Capital Region: Downtown Albany now has not one, not two, but three of the flexible shared work spaces. The latest to open is the Bull Moose Club, right across State Street from the Capitol. (Yep, it has a bust... (read the rest)
What's up in the Neighborhood
Among the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: the Klondike ramp, local TV, kindness on Central Ave, Lenten charity, starting now, Guptill's, the Saratoga Fat Bike Rally, the winter treescape, the waiting area, family dinner, restaurant transitions, Trader Joe's, and public art.... (read the rest)
Talking supermarkets with an industry analyst
To cap off Supermarket Week, we thought it'd be interesting to get an outside view of the supermarket scene and why some chains do or don't end locating in metro areas. (Maybe there's a certain chain that springs to mind...) So we got in touch David Livingston of DJL Research,... (read the rest)
Supermarket Showdown 2016
It's back: Supermarket Showdown, in which check prices for a basket of 40 items across multiple supermarkets here in the Capital Region. The showdown has taken a few years off -- the last time we did it was in 2012 -- and this year it returns with a new basket... (read the rest)
You're New Here: Food
It's You're New Here Week on AOA. All this week we'll have stuff to help get you acquainted with the Capital Region -- whether you recently moved here, or just want to see this place through new eyes. You're new here? Well, about nine years ago, I was new here,... (read the rest)
Albany Med/Saratoga Hospital affiliate, Peter Young COO heads to jail, Colonie Supervisors debate, not your average robo-calls
Albany Med / Saratoga Hospital affiliation Saratoga Hospital and Albany Medical Center have announced an affiliation. Albany Med's CEO, James Barba, says rather than Albany Med "swooping in" or rescuing, "What we're doing is we're being, if you will, neighbor to neighbor.". The move is being explained in part as... (read the rest)
Price Chopper is rebranding itself as Market 32
Price Chopper's parent company announced Tuesday morning that it's rebranding as "Market 32," part of larger campaign to modernize its stores. The "32" is reference to the chain being founded in 1932. The company says the new stores will have "expanded food service options, an enhanced product mix and a... (read the rest)
It's Election Day, APD investigating homicide, record ridership for Amtrak Empire Service, made in Cohoes and sold at Trader Joe's
Today is Election Day. Polls are open until 9 pm. Don't know where to vote? Look it up via the state Board of Elections site. Ballots statewide include three ballot question on the back the ballot (so be sure to turn the ballot over). [State of Politics] The Democratic and... (read the rest)
What "they" say about here
Companies are constantly gathering and analyzing data about us in an effort to more effectively sell stuff or make decisions about where to locate. These data profiles often aren't readily available to the public, so it's sort of like "they" are talking about all of us behind our backs. A... (read the rest)
Poll: Multiple Cap Region supermarket chains rank above regional average
Yep, Wegmans does top this ranking of grocery store brands for the Northeast, as compiled by the polling firm Harris. But the thing that caught our eye about these rankings: Six grocery chains with presences in the Capital Region ranked above the category average for the Northeast -- and three... (read the rest)
Checking out the Whole Foods at Colonie Center
The long awaited Whole Foods at Colonie Center opens this Wednesday. We figured a lot of people will be curious, so we stopped by for the media tour Monday afternoon. Here are a bunch of photos and a few thoughts...... (read the rest)
Comparing the size of Capital Region supermarkets
With the news that Walmart is planning an enormous (technical term) new supercenter at the Latham Circle Mall redevelopment, we were curious about how Capital Region supermarkets compare in terms of square footage. So we looked up a bunch of examples. A table with the results, and big graphical comparison,... (read the rest)
Checking out the Price Chopper Market Bistro
The new Price Chopper Market Bistro -- the company's long-planned concept store in Latham -- is just about ready for its grand opening. But you can check out much of what's new right now, as we did this week when we got a tour. There's been a lot of change... (read the rest)
Winter cooking: ancho pinto beef chili
Because it's the weekend and the middle of winter -- and a bunch of people mentioned that cooking helps them shake off the January gloom -- here's a recipe for ancho pinto beef chili. It's warm and rich and meaty -- even though it's mostly beans. It's also easy to... (read the rest)
Eat This: stocking stuffers
It's the season for giving and receiving, for eating and imbibing. And sometimes it's best when all those elements of the season are combined. Even though a tin caramel corn or box of chocolates can be a much-appreciated gift this time of year, I'd like to offer a few alternative... (read the rest)
Craig and his wonderful list
The good thing about Craigslist: It's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations. The bad thing about Craigslist: It's a window into our fellow community members' wants, needs and aspirations. Good or bad, we'll let you decide...... (read the rest)
Albany Museum of Political Corruption
With Trader Joe's now in the area, Bruce Roter has moved on to another pursuit: an Albany Museum of Political Corruption. As Roter tells the Biz Review's Mike DeMasi: "That's what Albany is known for. Why shy away from it? Let's embrace it. If other politicians can come from around... (read the rest)
What's up in the Neighborhood
Among the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: the slaughtering of a steer, Schenectady as Queens, a stiletto to the kneecap, a secret society, a manhole explosion, the Craigslist wedding date brothers, Healthy Living Market, grocery spelunking, the flavor-per-dollar scale, food trucks, a wing... (read the rest)
State attorney general: Price Chopper double coupon advertising was "deceptive" (updated)
Updated Wednesday morning State attorney general Eric Schneiderman announced today that his office reached an agreement with Price Chopper over an investigation into what the AG's office says was "deceptive" advertising of the chain's double coupon policy. From the press release: After implementing a corporate-wide policy that limited the doubling... (read the rest)
What's up in the Neighborhood
Among the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: photos, winter scenes, O. Henry, the academic job market, coffee in downtown Troy, the food and wine festival, Vichy water, dining alone, duck confit quesadilla, hazelnuts, mango pickles, olive oil, a wedding gown, the inauguration, Loudonville,... (read the rest)
You didn't actually ask, but...
Believe it or not, there are some people who don't visit AOA via an autocomplete url, feed reader, share, irresistible urge, or unconscious habit. (Yes, shocking, we know.) Many of these people come in looking for something via Google -- and sometimes we can't help but take notice of what... (read the rest)
What's up in the Neighborhood
Among the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: Miss New York, parking enforcement, Lark Street, a frozen lake, Sleeping Beauty, cross country skiing, love letters, the Chocolate Mill, savory cheesecake, comedic public performance art declined, a vegetarian Reuben, beer, a lunch date, infrastructure, historical... (read the rest)
The most popular items on AOA in 2012
At the end of each year we like to go the through the traffic stats on AOA to see which posts were most popular. It's a fun way to remember all the stuff that's happened. So, here are the most popular items on AOA for each month during 2012...... (read the rest)
What's up in the Neighborhood
Among the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: Victoria's Secret, catabetes, a player, hours, donations, Five Ribers, running, the Kayaderosseras Creek, Festival of Trees, the South Troy Burger, Henry Street Taproom, smores, Godzilla, ale, dessert, Chucksmas, and meatloafistry.... (read the rest)
Debate for 20th Congressional District, new indictment for McGinn and Smith, suit alleges car dealership forged signature, possible case of hantavirus, Open Door Bookstore for sale
Topics discussed during Thursday night's debate between incumbent Paul Tonko (D) and challenger Bob Dieterich (R) for the 20th Congressional District: taxes, energy, health care, as well as the national budget and debt. [TU] [Fox23] The Cuomo admin hit back against the Tax Foudnation's designation of New York as having... (read the rest)