A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past holiday week on AOA:
It was Real Estate Week on AOA!
+ We looked at the expanding options for living in downtown Albany.
+ Siobhan told us about a house in Columbia County that almost never has to turn on the heat.
+ We broke down Census data to figure out which Capital Region neighborhoods were the youngest/oldest/highest income/most diverse/most kid-filled (and on and on).
+ Casey looked a handful of former church buildings that have found new lives.
+ We gave away "spruce up your place and relax" package of prizes by asking: What's the best advice you've ever received -- or advice you'd give someone else -- about picking a place to live? There were excellent answers.
+ What $175,000 buys you in the Capital Region.
+ What $225,000 buys you in the Capital Region.
+ What $350,000 buys you in the Capital Region
+ Fiona Apple is playing the Palace.
+ It hadn't rained for a long time.
+ Andrew Cuomo's been bobbled.
+ We talked with the two guys behind Ballin' at the Graveyard, a new documentary about the pickup basketball scene at Albany's Washington Park.
+ We gave away tickets to the New York City Ballet gala at SPAC by asking: What's something you wish was more flexible in the Capital Region?
+ High-speed rail is still a long way off.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: books, Canada, fireworks, Tanglewood, postcards, change, the Hudson, sushi, a grassfed burger, cooking mayors, tapas, steamboats, and Meatloafy the Whale.
+ Tickets are now on sale for this year's Restoration Festival.
+ What would upstate New York be called if it broke away from New York City.
+ There's a ukelele camp coming up in Troy.
+ People actually do get ticketed for texting while driving.
+ And yet another round of bumper gawking.
If you'd just like the whole week unfiltered, check our listing of the last seven days of AOA.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared a photo or idea this week!
Andrew Cuomo bobblehead photo: Jessica R
basketball screengrab: Ballin' at the Graveyard
passive house photo: Peter Aaron
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?