The most popular items on AOA in 2017

At the end of each year we like to go the through the stats on AOA to see which posts were most popular. It's one way to remember some of the stuff that happened.
So, here are some of the most popular items on AOA for each month during 2017...
A quick note: We filtered out regular features such as Stuff To Do, along with "utility" type posts such as map listings for ice skating. Also, some things that are spread out over multiple posts don't end up ranking as high as they would if totaled all together. The same goes for things posted toward the end of a month because their traffic totals are spread over two months. And some of the items below just narrowly topped others. In other words, this is a limited, smudgy look at what was popular.
January: 3Fish Coffee
Talking with the owners of the new coffee shop that opened next to the Downtube in Albany.
Also popular: Bringing Albany buildings back from blight and making them into owner-occupied homes, Photos from the "Inaugurate Resistance" march and rally in Albany
February: The untaxed city within the city
A look at the amount of tax-exempt property in the city of Albany.
Also popular: Gawking at the new Rivers Casino and Resort in Schenectady, Scenes from opening day at the Rivers Casino in Schenectady
March: The next life of the EBA building on Lark Street
Talking with the new owners of the EBA building on Lark Street about their plans.
Also popular: Laura's hometown home in Cohoes, St. Patrick's Day stuff to do 2017
April: What's up with that plan for a new food hall in Albany's Warehouse District
A few bits about the food hall that's still in the works.
Also popular: The Fort Orange General Store is re-opening, How should we respond when someone is being clearly inappropriate in public?
May: New York State food regions map
Sometimes old posts randomly bubble back up, and such was the case with this map from 2012.
Also popular: Downtown Albany's getting a dog park, Kismet Mediterranean Grill
June: Alive at Five 2017 lineup
People are always interested.
Also popular: Capital City Shuttle, Checking out the new Albany skate park
July: Walking Myrtle Ave, end to end
A walking tour of one of Albany's longest streets.
Also popular: H&L on the Hudson,
August: What would Albany be like today if the Empire State Plaza had not been built?
Talking with a bunch of local history-minded people about what would have happened if the ESP hadn't been built in downtown Albany.
Also popular: A brief history of the Capital Region's much-admired light rail system, Glimpses of the old Central Ave
September: AOA Startup Grant 2017
The contest is always popular.
Also popular: Breakfast sandwich at Wren & Rail, Pearl Palooza 2017 lineup
October: Here are a few bits for the new bar planned for the space next to The Spectrum
Talking with the owner of the craft beer bar that just recently (in late December) opened near the Spectrum.
Also popular: As if Jeff Bezos's heart breaks for anything, A snapshot of the Capital Region pitch to Amazon
November: A look inside the new Cuckoo's Nest in Albany
The new restaurant from the owners of Crave.
Also popular: Two large residential projects proposed for Albany, one on New Scotland Ave, the other on Western Ave, As it turns out, Tucker Carlson's understanding of Albany demographics is lacking
December: What's up with the Albany Skyway, and a few bits about plans to makeover a key piece of downtown
This project, aimed at providing another connection between downtown Albany and the riverfront, is set to take another step or two forward in 2018.
Also popular: Favorite local foods 2017, B Lodge & Company is 150 years old and its owner says it's having one of its best years
That Was 2017
+ Things people made in 2017
+ Interesting stories to cover in 2017
+ Favorite local foods 2017
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?