A quick recap of the week

Here are a few highlights from the past week on AOA:
+ Updates on former Startup Grant finalists! The Giddy Up Bus! 3 Chicks and a P! There's still time to enter for this year's grant! You should do it! Before we run out of exclamation marks!
+ We gave away tickets to A Moveable Feast by asking: If you could dine anywhere (and in any time) in the Capital Region, where would it be? There were lots of fun answers.
+ For St. Patrick's Day: The Capital Region's "most Irish" cities and towns (and statewide, too).
+ We got a look at the new O'Brien's Public House in Troy, which is in a renovated section of the old Trojan Hotel.
+ JetBlue is scheduled to arrive at ALB -- curious about the hype, we asked people what the big deal is.
+ Jeff highlighted a few dishes from the extensive menu at Ala Shanghai.
+ June asked about finding a contractor for a historic home.
+ What was up in the Neighborhood this week: the City of Insiders, pass/fail, Geneva, the beer alarm, 15 Church, butter, St. Joseph's pastries, bone marrow, pho, Nine Pin, pizza making, farm films, the biscuit works, and 39 problems.
+ It was a good week for UAlbany basketball. The men's team won its "first four" game in the NCAA tournament, and then put up an admirable fight against #1 overall seed Florida. As #16 vs. #1 games go, the Great Danes did very well.
+ We talked with local-sportscaster-gone-national Andrew Catalon about calling the NCAA tournament and curling.
+ One of the items found on Craigslist this week: a big bison head.
+ Julie asked about where to get a dress altered.
+ Lauren stopped in at the new Whistling Kettle in Troy.
+ A quick overview of the casino that's been proposed for the city of Albany.
+ And the AOA birthday party is coming up in April. Thanks to everyone who grabbed a spot to come celebrate with us! (And if, for whatever reason, you won't be able to make it, please let us know. There are a bunch of people on the wait list.)
Here's the whole week all lined up.
Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or shared an idea or photo this week!
Giddy Up photo: AWASOS Entertainment
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?